2025-01-09 08:56 2次- 发布企业
- 东莞市华韵塑胶原料有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第6年主体名称:东莞市华韵塑胶原料有限公司组织机构代码:91441900MA4WHWD068
- 报价
- 人民币¥22.00元每kg
- 原材料
- 3020
- 加纤20%
- 台湾长春
- 国产
- 关键词
- PBT长春3020塑胶原料
- 所在地
- 东莞市樟木头镇奥园塑金国际8栋214
- 联系电话
- 0769-87600377
- 手机
- 13556776933
- 经理
- 赵琳 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
KU-7018 粘度高,改性弹性体
B3215 10%玻璃纤维,加工性非常好,高强度。
B3225 20%玻璃纤维,高强度/刚度,尺寸稳定,耐磨耐化学腐蚀。
B3235 30%玻璃纤维,高强度/刚度,尺寸稳定,耐磨耐化学腐蚀。
KL-7265 15%玻璃纤维,加工性非常好,高强度/刚度,尺寸稳定,耐磨耐化学腐蚀。
KL-7265POS151 类似于KL-7265防紫外线能力增强。
B3215Z 类似于B3215,改性弹性体。
B3225Z 类似于B3225,改性弹性体。
KL-7033 30%玻璃纤维,改性弹性体。
PBT pure resin, welcome to contact Ms. Liu, we are doing ABS, Eva,PC, POM, PC / ABS, PBT, PMMA, PA66, PA6, PPO, etc. , professionalagent PBT pure resin China first-class agent plastic raw materialsquote, flame Retardant PBT / Mineral Fiber reinforced PBT / ANTI-UVPBT / food grade PBT / wear resistant PBT / high impact PBT / glassfiber reinforced PBT / heat stable PBT / high temperature resistantPBT / High Strength PBT / High Strength PBT / high strength PBT /Medical Grade PBT / high flow resistant PBT / anti-aging PBT / lowtemperature resistant PBT / anti-aging PBT / anti-aging PBT /anti-aging PBT / anti-aging PBT / anti-uv PBT / Mineral Fiberreinforced PBT / Mineral Fiber reinforced PBT / anti-uv PBT / foodgrade PBT / Food Grade PBT / anti-uv PBT / anti-uv PBT / Food GradePBT / anti-PBT / high impact PBT / high impact PBT / high impactPBT / impact PBT / glass PBT / Glass PBT / Glass PBT / glass PBT /glass PBT / Glass / Glass Nylon and other imported plastic rawmaterials, valet custom-made plastic raw materials around theworld, welcome to call! The service range of the sales area is wide(Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang,Dalian, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Ningbo, Anhui, Fujian, Xiamen,Jiangxi, Shandong, Qingdao, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong,Guangxi, Hainan, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou, Shaanxi,Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, Wuhan, Guangzhou, etc.) . Professional PBTengineering plastic raw material supplier, plastic propertiestable, certificate, technical solution provider —— Foshan [ HuayunPlastic Co. , Ltd. ] provide import source PBT plasticmanufacturers direct sales, adequate supply, high-qualitysuppliers! Advantages: Full certificate / Regular Channel /Flexible Transaction / reasonable price / excellent quality / sameday delivery / delivery time reinforced polyester, overview: PBT isa rapid-forming Resin, it has high strength, high rigidity and hightoughness. It has excellent creep resistance even at hightemperatures. It is extremely stable in many solvents, motor oils,and oils. When you add its excellent dimensional stability, lowmoisture absorption and excellent insulation, it is not difficultto understand why PBT opened up new engineering applications afterits introduction in 1969. To meet the specific requirements ofvarious applications, PBT has unreinforced grades as well as glassfiber or glass fiber / Mineral Blend reinforced grades. Improvedgrades of flame retardant and lubrication are available in bothreinforced and unreinforced grades. Some of these flame retardantscan reach the UL94 flame retardant test standard V0 level even ifthe product is only 0.8 mm (0.032 inch) thick. The V0 grade resinuses a high performance non-migratory flame retardant formulation.According to the market requirements, PBT flame retardant systemsare low migration and non-halogen.
成立日期 | 2017年05月09日 | ||
法定代表人 | 刘华容 | ||
注册资本 | 100 | ||
经营范围 | 塑胶原料、塑胶颜料、塑胶助剂、塑胶制品、其他化工产品(不含危险化学品);货物进出口、技术进出口。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)〓 | ||
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- 瑞士EMS PA12 TR9098.00元/kg
PA12:尼龙 - PA66(70G43L)杜邦美国30.00元/kg
PA66:阻燃级 - (K树脂K胶)KR0320.00元/kg
K胶:挤出级 - PBT台湾长春(供应代理商)21.00元/kg
PBT:原材料 - POM美国杜邦100ST22.00元/kg
POM:高韧性 - 台湾长春PBT(抗溶解性)110012.00元/kg
PBT:高耐磨性 - 原料POM美国杜邦 100ST23.00元/kg
美国杜邦:聚氧亚甲 - PBT美国杜邦LW932020.00元/kg
PBT:原材料 - 台湾奇美PMMA CM-20320.00元/kg
PMMA:压克力 - (PC德国拜耳)285822.00元/kg